Spring 2023

Herbs and desserts are a match in culinary heaven…it is always a tasty surprise for anyone…the first time they indulge their senses with this combination…and you will be wonderfully surprised how much you love the combination…of eating herbs in a dessert you have prepared.

It goes without saying that food should be lighter fare in the Spring…and a light refreshing dessert…for your Spring table is in order too.

Who doesn’t like a nice bowl of sherbet or sorbet…to end a lovely meal?

Below is a refreshing sorbet recipe…that features the herb Basil…and lemon…enjoy making this frozen treat…and then indulging in this wonderful dessert.

Makes 1 quart
1 cup half-and-half or light cream
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons honey
1 ½ tablespoons lemon zest
8 fresh organic Basil leaves…divided
2 cups whole milk
Juice of 3 lemons…chilled
Pinch of sea salt

In a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan…combine the half-and-half…sugar…honey…and lemon zest. Bring to a simmer…stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and add 4 whole Basil leaves. Using the back of a large spoon or ladle…crush the Basil leaves against the bottom of saucepan. Cover and let steep 15 minutes.

Remove the Basil leaves and discard…then whisk in the milk. Place the mixture in an ice-water bath or refrigerate until completely chilled.

Slice the remaining 4 Basil leaves in very thin strips. Whisk the lemon juice into the chilled sorbet base…add the pinch of sea salt…and stir in the sliced Basil. Taste for sweetness…and adjust by adding another tablespoon or 2 of honey if needed.

Freeze the sorbet mixture in an ice-cream maker…following manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze for a few hours…and then dig in! Enjoy this yummy frozen treat.

Love and herbs,

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