Spring 2022

Such a sweet season Spring is…and I find myself wanting renewal and rebirth…more than ever this year…as the world is upside down…to say the least.

As I often do…I turn to my herbs and my gardens to find comfort…sooth my soul…and also open myself to nature…which is so inspiring to me.

There is my favorite garden center here where I live…that I visit and shop at…in the early Spring. It is a small family owned garden center…charming…quaint…and so laid back and friendly. These are the kind of places where I always shop. Places where the owners make you feel at home…and allow you to leisurely browse and smell and touch…and just let you be.

My daughter and I went this last Sunday…and purchased some herbs and plants…and our spirits felt replenished…walking around the aisles…capturing the scents and beauty of flowers and plants…and feeling the Spring air blow through our hair…and the sun warming our faces.

As I was driving home…I took that garden center experience with me…in my mind and close to my heart…and found that my path…to rebirth and renewal this Spring…is to garden more…to grow living plants…herbs and flowers more…much more than I have ever given myself permission or the space and time to…in the past.

Being with green living plants…fulfills me…like nothing else does. It makes me feel connected to the Earth…myself…the Higher Power…that created everything…and to all living things really.

Gardening is a spiritual experience.
Nature is our wisest and best teacher.
Nature is soulful.
Nature is constant.

You will find me…in my garden this Spring…will you join me?


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