Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions…

Uses only certified organic herbs… organic essential oils… and high quality ingredients in each hand-blended and made to order herbal products she offers. Each product offered adheres to strict guidelines… to enhance physical wellness and emotional well-being… therefore exact measurements and dosage are used in each herbal product offered. Products are hand-blended in a clean safe environment. All packaging … ribbon and paper flowers can be recycled… and little tape is used on labels…so you can reuse product boxes. Shipment boxes are recycled boxes in most cases. Herbal products offered here are safe to use… when used with my disclaimer information… but not FDA approved. Please do not use any product if you are pregnant… think you are pregnant… or nursing a baby. Consult your doctor if you have any health condition before using any herbal product.

Herbal Products in Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions rotate to correspond with the changing seasons… so be sure to check back frequently for changing herbal products. Special orders are most welcome. 

Because each herbal product is hand-blended and made to order (bespoke) please allow 2-3 days for your herbal product to be carefully hand-blended and packaged before shipping. All Teas are loose leaf blends…giving you the full health enhancing properties of each herb. All skin and bath product blends are filled in cotton muslin bags… so you will have no loose herbs to clean up after using any herbal product I offer.

** Herbal teas offered on this website are for adult consumption only. Keep herbal products and herbal teas away from children and pets.

** None of the herbal products and herbal teas offered here are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.

** All prices for your product orders include your shipping. Love… Victoria… Clinical Herbalist


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