November 2023


As a Clinical Herbalist…I am always studying and taking classes…to further increase my knowledge and education on the fascinating subject of herbs…for my personal healthcare and self-care needs…but also to provide and offer you…the most current and accurate information pertaining to the use of herbs and medicinal spices.

As of late I am avidly devouring and experimenting with Ayurveda medicine…a very ancient form of medicine…which combines body…mind…and spirit wellness and balanced living. Ayurvedic medicine is the science or knowledge of a natural system of medicine…that originated in India over 3,000 years ago…and is quite amazing. Ayurvedic medicine uses herbs and medicinal spices quite frequently…as Ayurvedic doctors…understand and value the healing powers of herbs and spices…to balance and help maintain good health and well-being.

Using herbs and medicinal spices daily builds good health…not just for you…but for those you care about. Herbs and spices are a very simple…easy to apply…and inexpensive way for you to practice self-care and improve your health…as well as maintain good health.

Stress is a very common ailment…we all are experiencing…and that leads to many physical issues…including digestive issues.

Below I am sharing with you…a very easy…very delicious Homemade Fruit Compote with Herbs And Spices…using Ayurveda spices to ease your upset digestion system…including irritation and gas.

This is not a recipe I personally developed…but one I started making after reading about digestive issues in an Ayurvedic class I took…and the spices that can be used to ease discomfort in your digestive system.

You can use any fruit you like…and fruit that is beginning to be overripe…but not spoiled is not only ideal…but makes budget wise sense too.

I use…blueberries…strawberries…pears…apples…peaches when in season…plums…apricots…nectarines and blackberries too…also when in season. Just use what you have when necessary…it will taste good…and have the same health benefits for your digestion.

The fruit compote can be eaten by itself…on yogurt…hot cereal…in smoothies…on top of puddings…eaten for dessert…or on top of pancakes or waffles. You can also make big batches and freeze this compote.

Wash and roughly chop the fruit you will be using for the compote. Place the chopped fruit in a medium saucepan…and add a few tablespoons of water…to start…you might have to add more water later if needed.

Sprinkle in your spice blend for digestion…gently stirring in spices to blend well with the fruit.

Cook…covered… over low heat…stirring occasionally…you can add more water if needed…until fruit is soft but not mushy. Remove from heat…and allow to completely cool. Once cooled…place compote in an airtight container…for the fridge…or eat right away.

All of the below spices are known for helping ease digestion and improve your gut health
You can double or triple this spice digestion blend…it depends on how much fruit compote you make
4 teaspoons organic Cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon organic Turmeric powder
½ teaspoon organic Ginger powder
½ teaspoon organic Fennel seed powder
½ organic Cardamom powder
¼ teaspoon organic ground Black Pepper

Mix all ingredients until blended. Use right away…or store in an airtight container.

Much love to you…
Victoria Clinical Herbalist

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