January 2023

The holiday season is now sweet memories…and I am slowly putting decorations away…where they will remain…snuggled with the other decorations in boxes until next Christmas.

Thank you cards…are written and mailed out…thanking everyone who gave us thoughtful and nice gifts.

The holiday season can be exhausting…and January is the month to recharge and rejuvenate…in other words relax and take care of yourself. There is a very wise saying…”no one is going to take care of you…but you”…and that timeless saying…very much rings true.

Let go of the mindset of having to do the multitude to do lists…all in a few days…and approach each task in a relaxed…mindful way. Take breaks…and little naps when needed. Your attitude and physical energy will be better…and makes your tasks more doable.

Everything will get done…the most important issue here…is to take care of you!

Relax into the new year…allow your life to flow easily…instead of just coping with struggle and being overly productive…it does not serve anyone.

January is also a month to reflect…and starting a journal is a perfect way to express your feelings and thoughts…and gain insight and clarity about what you need and want to release from your life…and understand what new beginnings your heart desires at this point in your life.

I personally do not set goals for the new year…but rather… after reflection…write out in my journal…promises to myself…that I want to keep…just for me. I don’t know…making promises to myself just seems more gentle…more nurturing than setting goals…and removes guilt and shame when I can’t quite keep a promise I have made to myself…but please do what is right for you.

Something I have learned …often the hard way…is to listen to my own inner voice and physical body…for what I need…not what others think I should be doing to take care of myself. This can be a real struggle at first…taking the lead in your own self-care…but the rewards are many. I have learned to shut out others opinions…and rather trust myself to make the right choices for what I know…I need…not what others want me to do.

And yes please…eliminate stress and things that create stress for you…a very top priority for yourself going into this new year! Stress creates illness…disease…and unnecessary chaos in your life. Understand what your limits are…and set healthy boundaries for yourself…that can create stress for you.

Learn to say an empowered NO to demands from others and social commitments…and this begins with your family and close friends. If you do not want something or to do something…a NO THANK YOU is in order…no matter how much that family member or friend gets upset with you. And don’t eat that plate of guilt they might try to feed you…or you feel when you politely say no…remember this is about respecting and honoring your needs…and you do indeed have the right to decline anything that you truly do not want to do for them.

Pampering and nurturing yourself…is self-care and self-love…and carving out the space and time to give yourself much needed pampering is vital for your good health and emotional well-being. I have some wonderful self-care and stress management certified organic herbal products in my on-line SHOPPE…for this Winter season…where you can indulge yourself…in much deserved me time…that will refresh your spirit…as well as enhance and support your good health and emotional well-being.

Have a most wonderful month of January…and create a more loving…relaxing and nurturing new year for yourself.

Remember “no one is going to take care of you…but you.”

You got this!


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