Herbs are so full of ancient history
And tradition…
And so much more than a pretty face
Or a pleasing fragrance
Or fresh vibrant taste…
Herbs are medicine of the Earth…to
Calm our nerves…ease our depression
Heal our cuts…burns and wounds
Help fight off infection…settle our upset stomachs
Help us have restful sleep…
Enhance our health and well-being.
Herbs have an intelligence…a healing power…
Not created by humankind…but
Created for us…by the infinite wisdom
Of a Higher Power.


I always wait in anticipation to visit garden centers in the early Spring. Not only are lovely flowers and shrubs on display…to take home and plant in your gardens…but the abundance of fresh herbs to purchase…neatly filling row after row…in the aisles…fills the air with enticing aromas. The aroma of fresh herbs…especially in the Spring season…is a natural reminder that this season is…the season of renewal…new life…and hope.

Planting an herb garden…no matter how big or small…or even in your kitchen windowsills is so life affirming and rewarding…in so many ways. Being outside in nature…the Sun kissing the top of your head and face…a gentle wind blowing through your hair…are moments of bliss and feeling truly alive.

Who doesn’t love to step outside in your own backyard and gather herbs for a recipe you are preparing for that nights dinner…or brew yourself a cup of tea with your Peppermint you have growing? You can do this when you plant an herb garden!

Before you purchase any herbs to grow yourself…decide which herbs you really want in your garden…and would actually use for recipes… your teas…herbal vinegars…herbal honeys…and when dried…your own herbal spice blends.

Do you want to grow your herbs from seeds or purchase small starter herbs? This is another question and personal preference for you to decide upon…as you plan your herb garden. I usually purchase small starter herbs…and have had happy results…but it is up to you of course.

After you decide which herbs you want to grow…be sure to check what growing zone you live in…this is very important! Not all herbs do well in certain climates…and trying to force them to grow…in an unsuitable climate…will just bring you frustration and disappointment…and the loss of that particular herb.

I have found through my own herb growing experience…that you sometimes have to experiment what herbs like a lot of Sun…while others prefer a more shady location. An example of this would be Basil. The growing directions for Basil…say “place in full Sun.” Well…I tried that…and my Basil plants just withered…and developed brown leaves…because it just gets too hot where I live. Once I adjusted my Basil plants to a less sunny location…they thrived! So my advice is to experiment with what location your herbs grow best in…despite what the directions might recommend.

Another thing to consider is whether you want to plant your herbs in containers or directly into the ground. I prefer to use container gardening for my herbs…so I can move them during storms…or pull them into a more shady spot…if necessary. Both methods of course have pros and cons…just do what works for you…and what method you find more successful for your herbs.

Herbs and herbal products can and do play a very vital role for us in the Spring season. Our physical bodies and emotional needs and requirements change with each season in nature…and one of the very best steps you can take to insure your good health and emotional well-being is to adapt and adjust your daily diet…and your self-care routine…during this Spring cycle.

With budding new life bursting upon the land…also comes pollen from trees…shrubs…grasses and flowers…and with all that pollen floating around…comes allergies…and insect bites. Colds and upset stomachs from allergies are also common during this season of renewal…that fortunately herbs and herbal products can remedy and ease your discomfort from these seasonal ailments…as well as assisting your body to function more efficiently and gain resilience.

***I have offered in my Spring Shoppe this season…many herbal products…that will help you have a healthier Spring season…so brew yourself a cup of herbal tea…or pour that cup of coffee…relax and enjoy browsing my Shoppe. Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions… hand-blended…made to order (bespoke)…certified organic herbal blends and organic essential oils used in all my products just for you. https://seasonstraditionsandherbs.com/

Victoria Clinical Herbalist …bringing you the science and biology of herbs

Spring Season Renewal Tea
Spring Season Nourishing Bath Tea Soak
Spring Season Hydrating Herbal Facial Steam
Moroccan Clay Mask Facial Mask
Spring Season Renewing Foot Soak
Lavender Sachets
Calming The Nerves Tea
Roll-On Essences
Relaxing Hand Massage Oil
Bespoke Perfume
Restful Sleep Support Tea

HERB FOR THE SPRING SEASON…CHIVES (allium schoenoprasum)
I can’t think of Spring without thinking about the herb Chives. I love the taste and aroma of this herb…it just brightens up even the most bland food. Sprinkled on eggs…breads…folded into butters…on potatoes…fish…chicken…soups…salads…soups…salad dressings and dips…it just adds the most wonderful delicate onion flavor.

Always use fresh Chives towards the end of cooking time for the best flavor…and you can eat both the leaves and the flowers.

Chives contain Vitamin K…C…and A…calcium…potassium…folate and antioxidants.

Chives are considered safe for most folks…although if you eat too much in one day…it might upset your stomach.

Chives grow in full Sun…in moist… well drained soil. Chives have pretty purple flowers that bloom in Spring to early Summer.

Chives have been used as a medicinal plant for 5,000 years.

It is said that Marco Polo brought Chives to the west from his travels to China…where they had been used as a medicinal and culinary plant for 2,000 years.

The Romans used Chives to treat sunburn and sore throat…and as a diuretic.

In the 19th century Dutch farmers fed Chives to their cattle to give their milk a different taste.

The popular satirical poet of the 1st century…Marcus Valerius Martialis…wrote of Chives in his 12 volumes Epigram~ “He who bears Chives on his breath is safe from being kissed to death.”

Chives were cultivated throughout Europe and the Roman Empire since the Middle Ages. Old Rome believed that hanging Chives around their doorways would ward off evil spirits and disease.

In the late 1800s Chives were popular with botanists and herbal artists.

An old saying states “The chef whose potato salad lacks Chives is a chef who himself lacks soul.”


Makes 12

Who doesn’t love a hot buttered scone? These are yummy…filled with Chives and Cheddar cheese.

1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon dried organic Chives
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter…cut in small pieces
1 ¼ cups shredded Cheddar cheese…divided
½ cup cold milk
¼ cup sour cream
2 tablespoons whole milk

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Grease a baking sheet.

Sift flour…baking powder…Chives…salt and cayenne pepper together in a large bowl. Cut in butter using a pastry blender or rubbing between your fingers until flour mixture resembles pea-sized lumps. Stir in 1 cup cheese. Whisk ½ cup milk and sour cream together in a measuring cup. Pour all at once into flour mixture…and stir gently until well blended. Avoid overworking the dough.

Pat dough into 2-3 inch balls…depending on what size you want…using floured hands. Place on the prepared baking sheet and flatten slightly…letting scones barely touch each other. Brush tops with remaining milk. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Let dough rest for about 10 minutes.

Bake in the preheated oven until tops are golden brown…10 to 15 minutes. Let cool slightly…serve with butter. Enjoy these baked treats!

Serves 4

1 oil-packed anchovy fillet
Sea salt
1 cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 garlic cloves…finely grated
¼ cup chopped fresh organic Basil…plus more for serving
2 tablespoons chopped fresh organic Chives…plus more for serving
Freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons Fennel seeds
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3 ½ teaspoons sea salt…plus extra for later
2 pork tenderloins…about 1 ½ each
Olive oil
1 ciabatta loaf…halved lengthwise
6 cups arugula lettuce
Extra Basil leaves…chopped Chives and lemon wedges for serving

Using the flat side of a knife…smash the anchovy and ½ teaspoon salt…on a cutting board until a paste forms. Scrape into a medium bowl. Add the mayonnaise…lemon juice…garlic…1/4 cup of Basil…and 2 tablespoons of the Chives and whisk to combine. Season with salt and pepper…cover and chill until ready to serve.

DO AHEAD…Make the Aioli a day ahead…place in covered container and place in fridge.

Grind Fennel seeds and red pepper in spice mill or with a mortar and pestle until coarsely ground. Transfer to a small bowl. Mix in 2 tablespoons salt. Rub this mixture all over pork and let sit…uncovered…1 hour…or chill up to 8 hours.

Prepare either an outdoor grill or stovetop grill by brushing grill with olive oil. Grill pork…turning every 4 minutes until lightly charred on all sides and an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the pork registers 130 degrees. Take pork off grill. Allow pork to rest 10 minutes…then cut into very thin slices.

Toast or grill bread on both sides…until lightly browned…and warm…about 1 minute per side.

To assemble…spread Aioli over cut sides of bread. Layer arugula over each bread half…then top with sliced pork…Basil…Chives…and a squeeze of lemon. Serve with any remaining Aioli.

Enjoy these very yummy sammies!!!

Serves 2

2 salmon steaks
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

3 tablespoons stone-ground mustard
3 tablespoons Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh organic Chives
1 tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat outdoor grill or stovetop grill pan on medium-high heat. Brush both sides of salmon steaks with olive oil…then season with salt and pepper.

Grill the salmon for 5-7 on each side…depending on thickness. Use a spatula to flip salmon…so it doesn’t fall apart.

Meanwhile in a small bowl…stir together the mustard…yogurt…Chives…honey…lemon juice…salt and pepper.

To serve…plate the salmon and drizzle a generous amount of the creamy mustard Chive sauce on top.


A refreshing and yummy salad dressing

Makes ¾ cup
4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh organic Chives
2 tablespoons fresh organic Thyme leaves
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons orange juice
½ teaspoon sea salt
¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper

Add all ingredients to a mason jar…shake well with lid on or whisk to combine. Adjust seasoning to your liking…store in fridge…with lid on container…shake well before using.

Serves 8-10

3 pounds baby Yukon gold potatoes quartered
2 tablespoons each finely minced celery and finely minced sweet onion
¼ cup chopped fresh organic Chives
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh organic Parsley

½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup sour cream
2 tablespoons each…lemon juice…ranch seasoning and fresh organic Dill…minced
2 teaspoons each…yellow mustard and sugar
½ teaspoon garlic powder

Boil the potatoes in a large pot with cold water. Add a generous sprinkle of salt and allow the potatoes to come to a boil over high heat. When boiling …reduce heat and allow them to simmer until very tender when tested with a knife. Drain the potatoes and allow them to cool to room temperature.

For the dressing…in a small bowl…whisk together the ingredients for the dressing until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed.

Toss in a large bowl the cooled potatoes…the minced celery…onions…chopped Chives and Parsley. Add the dressing and stir to combine. Taste and adjust seasonings. Allow the potato salad to cool in refrigerator for at least 1 hour or more before serving. Enjoy this potato salad…an all time favorite.

Create An Herbal Life,

Victoria Clinical Herbalist

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