Autumn 2022

I can remember when there was a time in my life…my “to do list” was my self -worth and identity. Always staying busy…being productive…setting and achieving goals…is what our culture teaches and sadly praises…and I fell for it.

Not anymore.

Now of course…goals are fine…I have them too…and each day I have items that I must attend to…but in between those…I have finally truly understand and practice…that there is “so much more” to life than constantly doing and striving.

This something…is enjoying life.

You know…stopping to watch the birds flutter about…or catching a glimpse of the most beautiful butterfly…floating by on the wind. Or stopping my “I am busy” …to listen or talk to a member in my family…or give them a hug.

I would not have been a witness to these beautiful sights…or connected to a loved one…if I had not allowed myself…given permission to myself… to live life more mindfully…more relaxed…with my heart wide open…to experience more that life offers me…if I had not made a conscious choice…to embrace life…instead of constant doing and achieving…that our culture expects us to do.

The Autumn season reflects back to me…the need to slow down…to cozy in…to nest in…and enjoy more of the “simple pleasures” of living…and that includes connecting with myself more and those I love.

Life truly is just a fleeting moment…and to stay in the mindset of “doing”… of achieving…of constantly striving to be more or have more…is just not for me.

I want to love life more…with all those little things…a too busy life eliminates from my life experience. I want my memories to be filled with beautiful…heart filled moments.

Oh… I will still have certain things I will do each day…obligations to fulfill…laundry and mundane tasks to complete. But I am committed to slow…mindful living…and it fills my heart with happiness…and calm.

My wish for you this Autumn season…is that each day…you create a pause…a special space for you to relax…to “let go” of all the things you think you have to do…and just enjoy life…whatever that means to you.

Everything will get done…but those moments of connecting…of seeing that sunset or sunrise…or hearing that sound of laughter…will never come again.

It is up to you.


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