April 2023

April is such a sweet month…green living things are sharing their beauty with us…butterflies float through the air…and birds seem to have a constant song to sing.

The air seems lighter in the month of April…and everyone is ready to explore and embrace this most lovely months offerings…whether it be gardening…walking…going on a picnic…or just sitting outside and cloud watching.

I have my herbs that I use for cooking here in my home…all snug and happy in their clay pots…and I can’t wait to step outside on my back porch and gather their leaves…bring them into the kitchen and add them to a dish I will be preparing for our dinner or lunch.

There is nothing quite like growing your own herbs…and then cooking with them…their freshness and clean taste take a simple dish…to a spectacular dish!

Our bodies need lighter meals in the Spring season…after the heavy foods we eat during the Winter…but that does not mean flavor has to be missing…ever…not when you use quality ingredients and of course…fresh organic herbs! Just get in your kitchen…use your imagination…and create tasty and good for… you… meals.

I have always loved honey…and love to cook with it…in both savory and sweet dishes…and of course honey and herbs together are a culinary marriage… try this combination and you will be very glad you did!

Oven temperatures often vary…so if the honey starts to turn too brown…turn the heat of your oven down
Serves 4
8 small or medium chicken thighs…with skin and bone in
3 tablespoons honey
1 ½ tablespoon olive oil
Juice and finely grated zest of 1 ½ lemons
2-3 garlic cloves…finely chopped
5-6 fresh organic Thyme stalks
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Pre heat your oven to 375. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment paper.

With a sharp knife slash each chicken thighs 3 times…going down to the bone. Put the chicken in a wide shallow baking dish. Drizzle honey and then the olive oil over the chicken thighs. Pour the lemon juice over the chicken and also scatter the lemon zest over the chicken. Scatter the chopped garlic and Thyme over the chicken. Season with salt and pepper. Marinate for at least 1 hour or more…in the fridge.

Take chicken out of the fridge…let rest for 15 minutes before baking…pouring the marinade over the chicken …and then place the chicken on the lined baking sheet and put in oven…cook for 30 minutes…then rotate the baking sheet…and move the outer pieces of the chicken to the center…so all pieces of chicken cook evenly. Continue cooking chicken another 25-30 minutes or until chicken thighs are thoroughly cooked. Enjoy this savory Spring chicken dish!!!

Happy month of April to you


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