Summer 2023

I recollect a lot these days about my grandma Edna. She was such a sweet and kind woman…and loved her family…her home and homemaking.

Grandma Eda…was of Irish and Scottish heritage…she didn’t talk much…but when she did…I listened. She always had an apron on…and could be found any time during the day…at her favorite place…the kitchen. This woman loved to cook and she really was an exceptional cook. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t make…and it was always from scratch. Pies…biscuits…donuts…wild game my grandpa would bring home from his hunting trips. She could always take the ordinary…and turn it into a plateful of extraordinary.

When I visited my grandparents for the weekend…she would put a small stool by the kitchen countertop while she was preparing a meal for me…and I would climb up that stool…so I could watch her…and of course try to help. She was always patient with me…and laughed a lot…in a very loving way…at my clumsy attempt to cook…like she did!

Homemade cheesecake …made by my grandma…was always made for me when I visited…and she allowed me to eat seconds and thirds…with a big smile on her face!

To this day…cheesecake is my favorite dessert…and with every bite…I savor…it brings back such fond…and loving memories of her…and who she was…and the gift of her love…that she gave to me.

Perhaps it is the season of my life…that I am in…or perhaps it is the love I feel for my own daughters…and my grandson that runs deep in me…that I seem to be thinking a lot of my own cherished moments of my grandma Edna…she was and is…a woman I truly resonate with…and feel such unbridled love and respect for.

I think I am a lot like her…my family and home…are at the heart of who I am. There is nothing fancy about me…or what I do. I would rather be at home…than go anywhere…unless it is a trip to see my daughter and grandson. I love to cook…and be in my kitchen. I speak when I have something to say…not just idle talk…and it is the simple things in life…that make my heart smile.

Grandma Edna…I know you would be very pleased…at who I am now…and I thank you from my heart…for all you taught me…and encouraged me as a young child…to just be me.

You are loved.


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