Hello and a warm welcome to you! My name is Victoria and my love of nature… the ebb and flow of the changing seasons… seasonal traditions… herbs… flowers… all green living things… and my passion for the natural world have motivated me to find ways to live a more nature based…  natural and creative life.

By allowing nature to be my teacher… I flow with the changing seasons… and witness the gifts and wisdom each seasonal change gives us as humans… to be more in tune with nature and with ourselves.

One of the greatest gifts found in nature… is the medicine of the Earth… herbs. As I studied… researched and practiced seasonal living and its traditions… herbs always were a constant and focused topic… in all the vast resources I gathered… not just for culinary use… but also for the value and wisdom of using medicinal herbs… for good physical health and enhancing one’s emotional and mental well-being.

I became very intrigued by herbs… and began using them myself… not just in my cooking… but as a natural way to maintain good health. I have been amazed and so very pleased with my positive results… and fell in love and dedicated to these life affirming plants.

Now… along the way on my journey… but not by accident… my true vocation of course… found me… that of becoming a Clinical Herbalist. Once I had completed extensive classroom courses… and passed my exams… and proudly received my certifications of course completion required to become a Clinical Herbalist… it was only natural and befitting… for me to start my own herbal business… that included all things herbal… and also featured the changing seasons in nature… and seasonal traditions as well.

It was only appropriate that I name my herbal business…  Seasons Traditions And Herbs… as each topic is so closely interwoven with each other… so beautifully and with such natural wisdom. And what better name for my herbal on-line shop… here on my website… than to be named Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions?

It is very important to me that my herbal products be of old-fashioned values… focusing on self-care and stress management… everything hand-crafted… hand-blended and made to order… hence the word (bespoke)… and to use only certified organic herbs…and organic essential oils… as well as quality ingredients… and recyclable materials for packaging. I knew I wanted to offer hand-crafted herbal gifts for your unique gift giving, too… threading together… a true reflection of all that I love and hold dear to who I am.

Seasons Traditions And Herbs… offers you a sense of place… a sanctuary so to speak… a haven filled with the “simple pleasures” of nature… being in tune with the changing seasons… the pleasure of celebrating seasonal traditions… and the bounty of the gifts and life wisdom that practicing a more natural and life affirming path… can give you and those you care about.

And of course… offering you … the medicine of the Earth…herbs… with my on-line shop… Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions… where you can purchase my certified organic… made to order (bespoke) herbal products… and herbal gift line.

My herbal products posted in my on-line shop… are rotated to correspond with the changing seasons… or seasonal traditions… so be sure to check my offerings in my shop on a regular basis… and you can email me for any herbal product request… any time.

Seasons Traditions And Herbs… awaits you!

Create An Herbal Life…

Victoria… Clinical Herbalist

…bringing you the science and biology of herbs


“In an age where the vast majority of items are mass produced Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions…herbal products are individually hand-blended and handcrafted with certified organic herbs.

Each time I have ordered her herbal products…the moment each order arrived…it has been a pure delight to all my senses. Upon opening the shipping box…the boxed herbal product is nestled in tissue paper strewn with delicate dried Rosebuds and petals. The box the herbal product comes in is decorated with satin ribbon and a beautiful tag. Absolute perfection.

To make Victoria’s herbal products additionally desirable…all the herbs she uses in her herbal products are certified organic herbs…and organic essential oils. Victoria’s packaging is also environmentally friendly and reusable.

I absolutely love each of the products I have used. If you have purchased from Victoria…I am sure you do agree and if you haven’t don’t hesitate. You will be overjoyed with your purchase.”

Beverly Doran

“I have been shopping with Victoria for a few years now. I have been so happy with her teas…bath soaks and facials. She is amazingly knowledgeable and responsible with all her herbal health blends…even down to her ecologically friendly and aesthetically pleasing packaging. If you try her products you won’t be disappointed.”

Jan Darrah

“I received a gift of Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions Lavender Foot Soak. It was packaged just beautifully and I could hardly wait to open it. The fragrance of Lavender was so soothing. Thank you Victoria…this herbal product of yours made me feel quite special.”


“Victoria’s Bespoke Herbal Traditions herbal products are high quality …the scents breath taking and everyone is impressed when I send one of her herbal products as gifts to friends and family. They all love her beautiful packaging too. I could not ask for better herbal products or a nicer person to work with.”

Sue Reaney

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